Dean’s Story (Melbourne)


Dean Georg (Melbourne)

Dean had a Brain Haemorrhage in September 2010 which also resulted in a Stroke.  He has progressed well but very slow since then.  He had to learn to walk and do many things again after the stroke.  Before the Perispinal Etanercept treatment he was reasonably independent and could do most things but had poor emotional regulation and would often go over the top emotionally.  He could not always express himself well and would often say “don’t worry” because he could not say what he wanted to.  His finances had to be managed for him as he was not capable of doing this for himself. Dean also had some mobility fluidity problems, and had right side peripheral blindness, which meant he has no vision on the right side of both eyes.

After the Perispinal Etanercept treatment on 11th November 2014 in Los Angeles USA, he improved considerably in many areas.

Concentration / Memory: He is also now able manage his own finances which previously had to be managed for him. He has been able to fill out his own forms much quicker. He still needs a little assistance to develop his reading and comprehension but is working on this with his family.  On the plane back from LA to Melbourne, he watched a movie, Dean said “that this is the first time I really understood the movie since the injury.”  Deans’ family never realised, because he never said anything.

Conversation:   Dean is able to be more engaged in conversation and is able to express him better.

Vision: His blind right side peripheral vision has improved which has been checked and confirmed by an optometrist.  He no longer runs into people who he previously did not see due to blindness in his right visual field.

Walking:  Deans walking gait is now more rhythmic.

General:  Since the treatment, Dean’s behaviour has considerably improved and does not get as frustrated as before.  It has been easier to communicate with him and seems to have matured about ten years.  Before the treatment Dean’s family said it was like talking to a five year old child in an adult body.  And it was really hard to reason with him.  The reason being that he was not really understanding the message and was not very responsive. Dean says he used to have a back ache, but this is now gone.

Dean’s View

Dean is really happy with the results and is starting to feel the benefits of freedom.  Dean would like to go again for another treatment in a few months.  Dean and his family feel that with more treatment he may gain more vision and still improve on his memory. They would like to try to go to Los Angeles in June or July 2015 to have the continuity of the treatment.

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