
Perispinal Etanercept Action Group: We are an independent  group who have either personally received Perispinal Etanercept treatment in the US or  whose  family members have received this amazing treatment for  either Stroke, Acquired Brain Injury or Traumatic Brain Injury. We are all committed to sharing our experiences  and advocating to ensuring that others who are similarly affected are  made aware of this treatment. The goals of this group are to share our stories and provide links to  information and  research about this treatment. We are also advocates for supporting further scientific research into this treatment with the objective of ensuring on-label use of Etanercept as standard treatment of all people who have experienced brain tissue injury.

This website is not providing medical advice and people should be aware that individual treatment outcomes may vary.

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2 thoughts on “About

  1. Terri Beckett

    I was just reading this story on the ABC news site and send my best wishes.
    How can I support this campaign?

    1. Webmaster1

      Thank you for your support Terri! If you would like to donate to help support funding getting Perispinal Etanercept Treatment available in Australia please donate to the charity (Stroke Recovery Trial Fund) we have set up to both educate the public about how to avoid preventable brain injury as well as to support innovative research. Please go to the Stroke Recovery Trial Fund website to make your tax deductible donation ( for donations $2 and over) – and you will be automatically emailed your reciept. Thank you again for your support!


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